金沙赌场 Announces Update to its 2020 Operational and Financial Guidance and Provides Update on Cost Saving Initiatives

俄克拉荷马城, 6月02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- 金沙赌场 (NASDAQ: GPOR) (“Gulfport” or the “Company”) today announced an update to its 2020 operational and financial guidance and provided an update on the Company’s ongoing cost savings initiatives. 主要亮点如下:

  • 优化生产配置,以利用2020年底和2021年较高的大宗商品价格环境
  • 新预测的2020年全年净产量平均为每天1000万吨至1075万吨
  • 按照目前的带状价格,该计划将在2020年继续产生正的自由现金流(1)
  • 启动进一步降低年度G的计划&费用减少约200万至400万美元,目标金沙赌场是2020年之前提供的指导的低端
  • Optimization efforts expect to reduce near-term firm transportation expenses by more than $10 million through 2021 and targeting low end of previously provided natural gas differential guidance for 2020
(1) 自由现金流金沙赌场是非公认会计准则衡量标准,定义为调整后的经营现金流, 变动前营运资金及包括资本化费用, 减去发生的总资本支出.

大卫·米. 木, 总裁兼首席执行官, 评论, “正如我们最近的财报电话会议上所说的, 我们正在更新格尔夫波特的2020年计划, which now defers production from mid-year when prices are low to late 2020 and into 2021 when prices are expected to be higher. We are also now planning on more completion activity late this year in the Utica to take advantage of potentially strong prices in the winter.  The savings we are seeing in drilling and completion activities allows us to add this activity and still be at the midpoint of our previously provided capex guidance range.  我们相信,在进入2021年之际,这些努力将使公司处于更好的位置, adding meaningful value and allowing for higher production in a better forward commodity price environment to maximize returns and cash flow."

Mr. 木头继续, “因为这与我们对2021年的展望有关, 在一个维护级别的项目下, we would expect to invest approximately $300 million of capital spend to maintain a similar level of year over year production. 假设条形定价为2美元.到2021年,天然气价格将达到每百万英热75美元,我们预计该计划将实现现金流中性.  油价应该在2美元之间吗.75 / MMBtu, 3美元.00 / MMBtu, 我们将继续遵守这个维护计划, generating incremental free cash flow and highlighting our focus on exercising capital discipline and maximizing cash flow generation.”

由于目前的商品价格环境, Gulfport最近做出了一项战略决策,将近期生产推迟到2020年后期和2021年初, 届时天然气价格预计将大幅高于年中条形定价. 除了, Gulfport计划在2020年下半年完成Utica页岩的另外3口井, providing incremental production late this year and into early 2021 in the anticipation of higher prices during the winter months. 最后, Gulfport’s updated production guidance reflects the recent production impacts due to shut ins from both the Company and its non-operated partners due to low prices. 考虑到所有这些因素, Gulfport现在预计,2020年全年净产量将平均为1,000 MMcfe到1,每天0.75亿立方米. 除了, Gulfport预计其2020年第二季度的平均产量约为1吨,000 MMcfe到1,每天0.50亿立方米.

随着2020年底这一活动的增加, Gulfport is currently projecting 2020 total capital expenditures to be at the midpoint of the previously provided range of $285 million to $310 million.

格尔夫波特最近实施了几项一般和行政开支&A)节约成本的计划, 包括对大多数员工分层减薪, 其高级金沙赌场和董事会从2020年6月初开始. This includes a 10% salary reduction to Gulfport’s senior management team and a 20% salary reduction for the Company’s Chief Executive Officer. 支付给公司董事会的现金保留金也将减少10%. 除了, 将实施选择性休假,以降低成本,并更好地使公司与其更新的运营计划保持一致. 在休假期间,所有的健康和相关福利仍将提供给休假的员工.  公司期望这些节省成本的项目, 与其他非工资计划相结合, 以减少其2020年的经常性总G&A减少了大约200万至400万美元,现在预测其2020年的总经常性G&A处于其原始制导范围的低端.

除了, Gulfport has or expects to enter into agreements with third-parties to reduce midstream costs and obligations in both of its operating areas.  格尔夫波特估计,这些举措将减少其中游费用, 包括交通费, 在2020年下半年和2021年期间,将增加1000多万美元. 由于这些节约成本的举措, Gulfport expects to be at or below the low end of its previously provided natural gas differential guidance range for 2020.

Gulfport Energy is an independent natural gas and oil company focused on the exploration and development of natural gas and oil properties in North America and is one of the largest producers of natural gas in the contiguous United States. 总部设在俄克拉荷马城, Gulfport holds significant acreage positions in the 尤蒂卡页岩 of Eastern Ohio and the 独家新闻 木ford and 独家新闻 Springer plays in Oklahoma. 除了, Gulfport持有的非核心资产包括Mammoth Energy Services约22%的股权, 公司. (NASDAQ: TUSK) and has a position in the Alberta Oil Sands in Canada through its 25% interest in Grizzly Oil Sands ULC. 欲金沙网上赌场网址信息,请访问egwd.discover-motors.com.

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” for purposes of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, 1933年证券法第27A条, 修订的, 以及1934年证券交易法第21E条. 所有的报表, 除了对历史事实的陈述, 包括在本新闻稿中,地址活动, 格尔夫波特预计或预计将来会或可能发生的事件或发展, 包括COVID-19大流行对我们业务的预期影响等事项, 我们的产业和全球经济, 生产和财务指导, 未来资本支出(包括金额和性质), 企业战略和实施战略的措施, 回购未偿债务, 资产出售的时机和完成情况, 竞争优势, 目标, 格尔夫波特业务和运营的扩张和增长, 计划, 金沙赌场最新网址状况, 提及未来的成功, 提及有关未来事项和其他此类事项的意向均为前瞻性陈述. These statements are based on certain assumptions and analyses made by Gulfport in light of its experience and its perception of historical trends, current conditions and expected future developments as well as other factors it believes are appropriate in the circumstances. 然而, whether actual results and developments will conform with Gulfport’s expectations and predictions is subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, 总体经济, 金沙赌场最新网址, credit or business conditions that might affect the timing and amount of the repurchase program; the opportunities (or lack thereof) that may be presented to and pursued by Gulfport; Gulfport’s ability to identify, complete and integrate acquisitions of properties and businesses; Gulfport’s ability to achieve the anticipated benefits of its strategic initiatives; competitive actions by other oil and gas companies; changes in laws or regulations; and other factors, 其中许多都超出了格尔夫波特的控制范围. Information concerning these and other factors can be found in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), 包括10-K表格, 10-Q和8-K. 因此, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and there can be no assurances that the actual results or developments anticipated by Gulfport will be realized, 或者即使实现了, 他们会对格尔夫波特产生预期的后果或影响, 其业务或运作. 格尔夫波特没有这个打算, 并放弃任何义务, 更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述, 金沙赌场是否金沙赌场是新信息的结果, 未来结果或其他.

投资者应该注意到,格尔夫波特在提交给SEC的文件中公布了财务信息, 新闻稿和公开电话会议.  Gulfport可以使用其网站(www.gulfport)的“投资者”部分.gulfportenergy.Com)与投资者沟通.  在那里张贴的财务和其他信息可能被视为重要信息.  格尔夫波特网站上的信息不属于这份文件的一部分.

Jessica Antle -投资者关系总监



