Quarterly report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d)

Accounts Receivable - Related Party

Accounts Receivable - Related Party
9 Months Ended
Sep. 30, 2011
Accounts Receivable - Related Party [Abstract]  
Accounts Receivable - Related Party

Included in the accompanying September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010年合并资产负债表为公司关联方应收账款. 这些应收款金沙赌场是本公司为一般和行政职能而收取的款项, such as accounting, human resources, legal, and technical support, performed by Gulfport's personnel on behalf of these related parties. 这些服务完全金沙赌场是行政性质的,并为公司没有财产利益的实体提供. 为这些服务向公司报销的金额金沙赌场是为了收回与服务相关的成本,不包括任何费用的评估或执行此类服务的估计成本之外的其他金额. 应收账款还包括公司作为科罗拉多和俄亥俄州油气资产运营商向关联方支付的款项. At September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2010, these receivable amounts totaled $2,479,000 and $573,000, respectively. 在截至9月30日的三个月和九个月期间,没有偿还一般和行政职务费用, 2011 with the exception of $467,000 and $867,000, respectively, billed under the acquisition team agreement discussed below. 在截至9月30日的三个月和九个月期间,没有偿还一般和行政职务费用, 2010.

公司金沙赌场是Great White Energy Services LLC行政服务协议的一方. Under the agreement, the Company's services include accounting, human resources, legal and technical support. 所提供的服务及其收费可经双方协商一致修改. The administrative service agreement had an initial three-year term, and upon expiration of that term the agreement has continued on a month-to-month basis. 行政服务协议任何一方均可在至少提前30天书面通知的情况下随时终止.

该公司也金沙赌场是Stampede Farms LLC的行政服务协议的一方, Grizzly Oil Sands ULC ("Grizzly"), Everest Operations Management LLC and Tatex Thailand III, LLC. 根据协议,该公司的服务包括专业和技术支持. 所提供的服务及其收费可经双方协商一致修改. Each of these administrative service agreements had an initial two-year term, and has continued thereafter on a month-to-month basis. 每项协议的任何一方均可在至少提前60天发出书面通知后取消该协议,且该协议也可在以下情况下终止:(1)对手方可在任何时间,至少提前30天向公司发出书面通知;(2)如果另一方存在重大违约行为,且该违约行为在收到该违约行为的书面通知后30天内未得到纠正,则任何一方均可终止该协议. 公司与Grizzly的行政协议于2010年12月31日终止.

Wexford Capital LP(“Wexford”)控制和/或拥有这些实体中每个实体10%以上的权益. An affiliate of Wexford owns approximately 16.8% of Gulfport's outstanding common stock.


Effective July 1, 2008, 公司与Everest Operations Management LLC(“Everest”)签订了一项收购团队协议,以确定和评估公司和Everest可能希望投资的潜在油气资产. Upon a successful closing of an acquisition or divestiture, 确定收购或剥离的一方有权从另一方及其关联公司收取费用, if applicable, participating in such closing. 该费用等于一方在收购或剥离对价中按比例所占份额的1%. The agreement may be terminated by either party upon 30 days notice.

Effective April 1, 2010, 公司与Windsor Niobrara LLC(“Windsor Niobrara”)签订了共同利益协议。, an entity controlled by Wexford, 共同收购位于科罗拉多州西北部某些土地的石油和天然气租约,以进行勘探, exploiting and producing oil and gas from the Niobrara Shale. 该协议规定,每一方必须以50%/50%的比例向另一方提供参与此类收购的权利. The parties also agreed, subject to certain exceptions, 按各自参与权益的比例分担第三方成本和费用,并支付协议规定的某些其他费用. In connection with this agreement, Gulfport and Windsor Niobrara also entered into a development agreement, effective as of April 1, 2010, 据此,公司和Windsor Niobrara同意共同开发合同区域, 和格尔夫波特同意根据联合运营协议的条款担任运营商.